SPSL Presents: Strictly Come Piping 2020

November 27, 2020 / Comments (0)


The Scottish Piping Society of London is pleased to announce that this year’s “Strictly Come Piping” will take place live on Zoom on Saturday, 5 December 2020, starting at 7pm. 

Six invited pipers, will be playing a medley of their own choice for between 15-20 minutes and as usual, the winner will be chosen by the audience. Voting will be by popular acclaim over Zoom.

Taking advantage of the online format, this year, Strictly will have an international feel with pipers from further afield than just the London area. Confirmed pipers include:

  • Kyle Shead
  • Joshua Hogg
  • Ciaren Ross
  • Luke Kennedy
  • John Dew
  • Andrew Donlon
  • Calum Brown

 And of course, we will be enjoying the other customary Strictly entertainment including the Strictly quiz.

 Admission will be by “ticket” only at a cost of £10 per household. Fill out the form below, complete payment by PayPal and you will be emailed the event details.

    Audience numbers will be limited to no more than 100.  Zoom meeting log in details will be issued the week before the event. If you have any questions or comments please email us.